Before we go deep into the details of drawing anime faces, let us first have an idea about what does the term anime actually mean. The term anime actually suggests a kind of animation that originates from Japanese Manga comics. Since it has gotten its inception from comic books, it is hugely popular among young people. Kids like drawing anime faces very much. The drawing of anime faces can provide children with the much needed creative outlet. Anime faces with their pointed features, quirky angles, colorful and cartoon like illustrations can be real fun to draw. In this article we shall know the steps that are involved while drawing anime faces. Have a look at the below mentioned points that can make your task easier and simpler:

- You have to begin by drawing a circle for the head of your anime character. Try making it as big as you want the head of your anime character to be. Here you have to be as creative as you can. This will make your anime character very fun to look at. However you have to keep one thing in mind at this point: You have to keep the top of the head open while drawing the circle. This is because you will be drawing the hair in this place.
- The next step in drawing the anime face is to extend this circle downwards. Extend the bottom of the circle downwards from the bottom of the chin which extends from one side of the jaw area to the other area. It is completely your choice whether you want to make the extension of the chin either pointed or rounded. Basically you will have to be very imaginative and creative. Make sure that your anime character becomes very lively to look at.
- Now you have to deal with the placement of the facial features of the anime face. For doing so, you have to sketch in a set of crossed lines in the anime face. Make sure that the vertical line that you draw follows the curve of the left side of the head. You also have to take care that the horizontal line is drawn approximately one third to one half of the way starting up from the chin. However this will entirely depend upon the amount of hair that you want on the head of your anime character. Here you can also add neck lines to the left of the chin and to the far right of the jaw line. However it depends on your personal choice completely.
- Now you can draw the eyes of the anime character. This has to be drawn along the horizontal guideline. You have to take care that the anime eyes take the shape of a rectangle that has slightly rounded sides. You can make the iris large in size or else you can choose to make the pupils of the eye very dominating in the eye. You can also make small white circles in the eye that represents the light reflecting on it.
- The nose can be drawn by drawing out a curved/slightly pointed line. However you have to take care that you begin the top of the line at the level of the bottom of the eyes. Incase you desire, you can also add a nostril to the nose by making a dot.
- We will now focus on making the mouth of the anime character. You can either draw a simple line or else if you want to draw an open mouth, then you can draw a curved line with a half circle attached to the bottom.
- Let us now add hair to the anime character’s head. You can either add soft and flowing hair or else draw wild and spiked hair. If you want to accessorize the anime character that you are drawing, proceed on to add a ponytail or head bands etc.
- Lastly you have to erase off all those guidelines that you had drawn earlier. Color your anime character in the colors that you desire.