Drawing a face that looks real and lifelike is a bit difficult and requires a lot of practice. For being able to draw a realistic face perfectly, one has to study and understand the anatomy of the face in particular. Observing the position wherein each feature of the face is placed is important while drawing a realistic face. Although drawing a realistic face is a bit of a challenge for an amateur but with gradual practice and by following certain basic guidelines, one can master the art of it perfectly. This article will be dealing with the steps that are involved in drawing a face that looks real and lifelike. Have a look at the step by step guide given below that can help you in the task further:

- First of all, start with the shape of the face. Take paper and a pencil and draw out the shape of the face that you wish to create. Before doing so, you have to decide whether the shape should be oval, square, or round. After having decided on the shape, you can draw it out on paper.
- The next step is dividing this face into sections. This can be done by drawing a vertical line across the center of the face and a horizontal line across the center of the face. You shall also have to divide the upper and the lower half of the face by drawing out two more horizontal lines.
- Now we shall draw the eyes in the face. The most common misconception that people have while drawing eyes is that they place them at the top whereas eyes are more towards the center of the head. Take your pencil and by using it you have to draw five equal-sized eye shapes that are positioned across the centerline of the face. Remember that these eye shapes should resemble a fish without a tail. After drawing the shapes, you have to erase the eye in the middle and the ones that are furthest on each side. This will give you your eyes that are perfectly placed in the correct position on the face. You can then proceed on to draw the iris and pupils of the eyes that you have drawn.
- Now we will focus our attention on drawing the nose on the face. Remember that the nose is positioned in the center of the face on the line just beneath the eyes. Start drawing a vertical line from the inside of the irises to the nose line. This will help you in determining the width of the nose that you are about to draw on the face. A wide nose should touch these two lines, whereas an average nose should be much thinner.
- Now we shall draw the mouth. You have to keep in mind that the mouth is positioned halfway between the nose and the chin. As we did for the nose, similarly for determining the width of the mouth we have to draw a vertical line down the face from the pupils of the eyes. Make sure that the corners of the mouth touch these lines that you have just drawn for determination of the width of the mouth on the face.
- Now we need to draw the hair, ears, and eyebrows of the realistic face that we are making. Make sure that the ears should start at the eye line and end at the nose line. The hairline should start at the line that is positioned above the eye line. From this particular line to the top of the head, you have to draw the hair.